A Song of Ice & Fire Crossbowmen Mini Figure Set

CMONSku: 172799

    • You want to get good value for your money.
    • No commander wants to spend all their money on a mercenary unit that can't fight and will turn and run the first chance they get.
    • When they hire a Golden Company Crossbowmen unit, they're spending a lot, but it's worth it.
    • The Golden Company Crossbowmen gives players a reliable ranged unit.
    • Being Neutral, most armies can hire them.
    • Their training with their reliable crossbows means their shots almost always produce enemy casualties.
    • They also train regularly to aid other friendly units, maneuvering to support whenever an ally is attacked.

Preço de vendaR$ 305,00 BRL
Em estoque
Expected Delivery: BR, before


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