This pedal-powered go-kart is sure to provide hours of fun for your kids! With a sporty and stylish design, your kids will be the envy of their neighbourhood buddies as they cruise around in style. Featuring a high-quality and durable construction, this fully pedal-powered go-kart is the perfect gift for your children. This go-kart is equipped with 4 large-high-quality long-lasting tires and a relaxing seat for maximum comfort while using it. Being 100% pedal-powered allows your child to be in control of the speed of their go-kart. Combined with a highly reactive braking system, this design is much safer than engine-powered go-karts. With the ability to go off-road or on the footpath, your kids will have tons of fun and never get bored!
Product Specifications
- Colour: Blue
- Size:71×45×43CM
- High-Quality & Sturdy construction
- Durable seat for maximum comfort
- 4 large high quality and long-lasting tires
- Smooth turning steering wheel
- Highly reactive braking system
- Length : 25 cm
- Width : 52 cm
- Height : 80 cm